
OSC as Input Controller

OSC as Input Controller

We support a lot of different controllers in VRChat: keyboard + mouse, gamepad, a plethora of VR trackers, etc. We're opening up that further by enabling you to control most of the inputs over OSC as well!

With this, you could create a program to control VRChat with your head, feet, brainwaves, a musical sequencer or just about anything else!


Each input watches for data at /input/Name like /input/Jump.
There are two types of inputs:

  1. Axes expect a float from -1 to 1 to control things like movement. They expect to reset to 0 when not in use - otherwise a 'MoveForward' message left at '1' will continue to move you forward forever!
  2. Buttons expect an int of 1 for 'pressed' and 0 for 'released'. They will not function correctly without resetting to 0 first - sending /input/Jump 1 and then /input/Jump 1 will only result in a single jump.

A good way to get started with experiments is to controls to TouchOSC to test them out and see how they work in the client. Some will only work in Desktop or VR modes, and others may not do much at all. You can report controls that don't work the way you'd expect, or request additional controls, in our discussions area (COMING SOON).

This TouchOSC demo has a control for Vertical & Horizontal Movement, and a button for Jump: vrc-input.tosc

Supported Inputs


/input/Vertical : Move forwards (1) or Backwards (-1)

/input/Horizontal : Move right (1) or left (-1)

/input/LookHorizontal : Look Left and Right. Smooth in Desktop, VR will do a snap-turn when the value is 1 if Comfort Turning is on.

/input/UseAxisRight : Use held item - not sure if this works

/input/GrabAxisRight : Grab item - not sure if this works

/input/MoveHoldFB : Move a held object forwards (1) and backwards (-1)

/input/SpinHoldCwCcw : Spin a held object Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise

/input/SpinHoldUD : Spin a held object Up or Down

/input/SpinHoldLR : Spin a held object Left or Right


/input/MoveForward : Move forward while this is 1.

/input/MoveBackward : Move backwards while this is 1.

/input/MoveLeft : Strafe left while this is 1.

/input/MoveRight : Strafe right while this is 1.

/input/LookLeft : Turn to the left while this is 1. Smooth in Desktop, VR will do a snap-turn if Comfort Turning is on.

/input/LookRight : Turn to the right while this is 1. Smooth in Desktop, VR will do a snap-turn if Comfort Turning is on.

/input/Jump : Jump if the world supports it.

/input/Run : Walk faster if the world supports it.

/input/ComfortLeft : Snap-Turn to the left - VR Only.

/input/ComfortRight : Snap-Turn to the right - VR Only.

/input/DropRight : Drop the item held in your right hand - VR Only.

/input/UseRight : Use the item highlighted by your right hand - VR Only.

/input/GrabRight : Grab the item highlighted by your right hand - VR Only.

/input/DropLeft : Drop the item held in your left hand - VR Only.

/input/UseLeft : Use the item highlighted by your left hand - VR Only.

/input/GrabLeft : Grab the item highlighted by your left hand - VR Only.

/input/PanicButton Turn on Safe Mode.

/input/QuickMenuToggleLeft : Toggle QuickMenu On/Off. Will toggle upon receiving '1' if it's currently '0'.

/input/QuickMenuToggleRight Toggle QuickMenu On/Off. Will toggle upon receiving '1' if it's currently '0'.

/input/Voice : Toggle Voice - the action will depend on whether "Toggle Voice" is turned on in your Settings.

  • If "Toggle Voice" is turned on, changing /input/Voice from 0 to 1 will toggle the state of mute. Afterwards, set it to 0 again. (While it is set to 1, you will be unable to use your controller or keyboard to (un)mute yourself.)
  • If "Toggle Voice" is turned off, it functions like Push-To-Mute - 0 is muted, 1 is unmuted.


You will be limited to 144 characters for chatbox text, and a maximum of 9 lines will be displayed, including new lines and word wrap.

/chatbox/input s b n Input text into the chatbox. If b is True, send the text in s immediately, bypassing the keyboard. If b is False, open the keyboard and populate it with the provided text. n is an additional bool parameter that when set to False will not trigger the notification SFX (defaults to True if not specified).

/chatbox/typing b Toggle the typing indicator on or off.