
Oculus Touch

Hand Pose Chart

Hand Pose NameHand Pose Description
FistMiddle finger down
Index Finger pulling trigger
Thumb down
Open HandMiddle finger up
Index Finger off trigger
Thumb up
PointMiddle finger down
Index Finger off trigger
Thumb down
Thumbs UpMiddle finger down
Index Finger on trigger
Thumb up
VictoryMiddle finger up
Index Finger off trigger
Thumb down
Hand GunMiddle finger down
Index Finger off trigger
Thumb up
Rock N RollMiddle finger up
Index Finger pulling trigger
Thumb down

Using a Hand Pose will enable the Gesture Override (if any) on the avatar.

Button Assignments

A (right hand, bottom button)Jump
X (left hand, bottom button)Mute
B (right hand, top button)
Y (left hand, top button)
Quick Menu
Grip (middle finger pull)Pick Up
Trigger (index finger pull)Select / Interact
Right ThumbstickTurn
Left ThumbstickLocomote
Right Thumbstick In (Press down on thumbstick)Action Menu Right
Left Thumbstick In (Press down on thumbstick)Action Menu Left
Both Triggers + Both Menu ButtonsEnables Safe Mode, which swaps Safety to Custom Level with all features disabled