VRChat 2023.4.1p2

Release - 9 November 2023 - Build 1375

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed some audio sources not playing if entering worlds too quickly...which was only occurring because we made world loading so much faster ;)
  • More fixes to avatar scaling on Unity 2022.
  • Improved the stability of world loading; this should reduce amount of "error world" visits.
  • VRChat now immediately unloads avatars on hide or player leave for Quest.
    • If you run into a situation where avatars are not loaded because of "Low Memory", you can now hide other people and those new avatars should start loading in immediately.
  • Some text in error popups was ʷᵃʸ ᵗᵒᵒ ˢᵐᵃˡˡ.
  • When “Fade out Microphone Icon” is enabled, it will no longer fade in when you speak while unmuted. It will still show up when you make noise while muted!
    • This is another attempt to help burn-in issues on OLED headsets, like the Bigscreen Beyond
    • We're still iterating on more design changes around this problem and we'd love to hear your feedback and thoughts!
  • On PICO, fixed a (hilarious) issue where portals were placed with your face instead of a tracked controller. Lmao, whoops...
  • Also on PICO, fixed an issue where the loading screen overlay would occasionally offset itself at the end of the load sequence.