VRChat 2024.3.1
Live - 14 August 2024 - Build 1490
New Features
SteamVR Input 2.0 and PCVR Hand Tracking Support!
- ⚠️ If you prevously had custom SteamVR bindings, you must reset to the new default bindings and re-customize. ⚠️
- SteamVR Skeletal System - We now have PCVR support for SteamVR skeletal hand tracking and finger-based input similar to our native Quest release!
- Finger tracking for Index controllers has also been improved, as it directly uses the skeletal data from SteamVR.
- A new button has been added to the Main Menu Controls page to open the SteamVR bindings UI for VRChat.
- Full controller remapping via the SteamVR bindings UI - Remap any action to any button you want on any controller. The customization possibilities are nearly endless!
- New gesture methods - Including new mappable "Gesture Direct" buttons that let you explicitly map gestures to any button. This is helpful for triggering avatar effects via explicit button presses!
- Gesture Wheel - You can now map the Vive wand style touchpad gesture selector on any controller type!
- Bonus Mappable Actions - Earmuffs, Nameplates, Chatbox, and more can be one button press away with an array of new mappable shortcuts.
- Auto-Hold - Tired of holding the grip button for equipable items like pens and grappling hooks? The option to auto-hold them is now active if the new "Drop" action is mapped. Now you can press once to pick those equips up and press again to drop them!
- Double-clicking the configured menu button will now open the Main Menu.
- You can toggle this off! Check the FAQ for more info.
- There's a lot here! Check out the documentation for everything you need to know.
- You can also find a FAQ here -- seriously, we know there's a lot here!
VRChat Constraints!
- VRChat Constraints are a replacement for Unity's constraints system that is more performant!
- Constraints allow folks to do really cool things with avatars -- but until now, they've been risky when it comes to performance cost. This was due to how Unity's default constraints were calculated.
- Our version is vastly more performant. That means creators can use more without impacting other folks around them.
- This performance increase means that VRChat Constraints can be used on non-PC avatars!
- It also means we can calculate their performance cost more accurately, so we'll be adding them in as a tracked performance stat.
- Secondary note: in addition, we now track a new stat called Constraint Depth. This tracks the deepest chain of constraints on your avatar. This helps us give a more accurate understanding of the performance cost of any constraint systems on your avatar.
- You can automatically convert your avatar from using Unity constraints to VRChat Constraints using the SDK!
- Unity Constraint will be auto-converted in client, so the performance improvements apply to existing avatars too!
For more information on VRChat Constraints, you should check out the Creator Docs, which you can find here! FYI: The SDK for VRC Constraints will not ship right away, although it could be as soon as tomorrow. Once it ships, this link will change.
Portal Overhaul!
You might have caught a glimpse of this in our most recent Dev Update, but we've been hard at work redesigning Portals!
This update includes the new graphic style, with a more minimalist approach putting the spotlight on your world thumbnail, a sleek new parallax shader, and fancy drop and close animations!
Website Changes!
The website friends list just got an upgrade! We pushed this one a little early. It now sorts via status by default to show who’s easily joinable, and it already has new ring-shaped status icons too so you can see who else is lurking on the website.
Location information on the website and mobile user profiles has also been updated, showing the user’s currently active platform, or showing that they’re offline.
Updates & Fixes
- Numerous stability improvements!
- Memory usage has been improved in various scenarios.
- We got out our plumber's wrench and closed off some memory leaks.
- Reduced a handful of loading hitches and stutters across the client.
- Fixed several rare crashes.
- Startup speed has been greatly approved across all platforms!
- This includes the entire startup flow -- from opening up VRChat, to the login process and loading into your homeworld. The entire process has been reworked, with the end result being a sizeable decrease in load times.
- This rework also fixed a bunch of minor bugs, crashes, and other issues.
- Various improvements to text displayed across the client in various languages.
- Friend request text should no longer overflow in other languages.
- Text in QM/MM wings should no longer overflow.
- Fixed overflows across playlists.
- The one-handed movement tooltip is now localized.
- Performance text on avatars is now translated!
- Fixed big characters not showing in the search bar, like Japanese ones.
- Added localization for transaction types in the Marketplace transactions menu.
- Tweaked UI to fix a handful of minor bugs. There's a lot of them! You can find them all below:
- Adjusted the size of the hover highlight effect on Main Menu world cells in order to make them fit properly.
- The Main Menu "offline" social count was not updating. We fixed it!
- Favorite friend group numbers were also not updating -- that's fixed, too.
- Fixed some weird issues with separators in Settings.
- Not quite a bug, but we've moved color blind filters to their own section so they're easier to find.
- Fixed small capitalization typo within the Main Menu safety page.
- Fixed the avatar pedestal appearing over some dialogs or menus.
- Fixed the vertical alignment of several buttons that were, like, a pixel off. You weren't crazy. We promise we didn't do it on purpose... heh heh heh heh.
- ...we also fixed the alignment of some text in the Social menu that was broken. Oops!
- Now the word "user" is used instead of "player" unless it is referring as the representation of a user within an instance.
- Fixed an issue that caused QM user action buttons to flicker when their avatar was shown/hidden.
- Fixed a bug that caused the QM to close after editing an invite message.
- Fixed some minor rendering artifacts on Main Menu wings and certain header icons.
- Tweaked how text is displayed in the Quick Menu while in the new reporting flow.
- Going to an external report form from the app now auto-fills the report form.
- Fixed Favorite/Unfavorite button state in Avatar Details.
- The invite/response window now has more accurate "Add Message" button tooltips.
- A few changes that are relevant to creators! These touch SDK functions, but will work right away in this client version:
- Fixed
function not working. OnInputMethodChanged
is now called whenever the player joins a world.- Introduced a limit on recursion depth between Udon Behaviors of 1000 steps.
- Fixed
- Dynamic Bones on avatars will now always be converted to PhysBones.
- As a heads up: if you use Dynamic Bones on your avatar, you will have to convert them to PhysBones before uploading for now on.
- You can read more about this change in the Developer Update from July 11.
- VRChat will now automatically add or remove parameters in OSC config files when an avatar is updated.
- Any manual edits to addresses in the JSON will be kept, as long as the parameter name didn't change.
- We've added tooltips for all of the stat fields on the Avatar Details page. This should hopefully give you a little insight into what each stat means and how they can affect overall performance.
- Fixed an issue that caused OSCQuery parameters to fail to broadcast with their proper default values.
- Fixed an issue that prevented badges to not appear in the Main Menu's profile menu when logging in with Steam.
- The platform compatibility icons on the Clone Avatar button disappeared! After a long search, we've found them and put 'em back.
- Fixed a bug that could cause your view height to be set incorrectly after leaving a station.
- Hid some accessibility UI options that were not available on desktop mode.
- The blue camera lens indicator light should now be properly hidden whenever the rest of the lens is.
- Fixed a bug that would make world tags unclickable.
- Local builds of new avatars will now appear in the Avatars menu without requiring a restart.
- Udon Input is no longer blocked in the Quick Menu, only the Main Menu.
- Fixed a case that could cause avatars to be left squinting if you move far enough away from them mid-blink.
- Hebrew is now available as a preferred language!
- Because Hebrew is a Right to Left (RTL) language and our UI was originally designed for LTR languages, please excuse some of the design compromises we had to make in order to get the language to play nice with our layout (like left-justification for text).
- You can now toggle Logging in the Main Menu (as opposed to just the Quick Menu).
- Fixed a bug that caused names of players involved in vote kicks to be masked from logs.
- Fixed a small issue on the avatar unavailable image where masking wasn't being applied correctly.
- The current world name in Main Menu Worlds is now hidden in Streamer mode.
- Restyled the "distance diamonds" that appear when hiding avatars by distance or by count.
- They're opaque now, which should help to improve performance in busy instances.
- Updated the list of report reasons that are available when reporting users, avatars, worlds, and groups.
- Fixed an issue where the email verification prompt on login would lead to a black screen.
- Additionally, the in-client instructions for email verification were made more legible.
- Fixed an issue that caused images viewed in the Group Announcements page to be displayed in a low resolution.
- Restored some network rate-limit logic, most notably improving ownership sync for very large object counts at once.
Mobile Updates & Fixes
- Fixed an issue that caused part of the notification UI to be partially visible behind the login button.
- Create instance tooltips should now be localized.
- "Maximum Uncompressed Size" for avatars now defaults to 25 MB on new installations.
Updated 7 months ago