VRChat 2023.1.1p2
Release - 9 February 2023 - Build 1281
- Group Banner opacity now follows icon opacity, banners will be visible even with nameplate opacity set to 0%
- You can still turn Group Banners off entirely via the Group Banner toggle in the Quick Menu
- Group Banners now use mipmaps, meaning they will no longer shimmer and have improved visual quality at a distance
- The camera now has an option to show a rule-of-thirds grid for easier photo composition! Find the button on the far right of the options
- Fixed an issue causing jumpy camera motion while in moving stations
- We are still working on improving the UI and grab functionality while locomoting
- Fixed issue where player would exit stations when trying to move in drone camera mode
- Fixed issues with aiming the camera in desktop mode while in stations
- Fixed "Take Photo" button visually looking enabled while the camera is saving a multi-layer image. Saving high-resolution layered images can take a while-- at 8K, each image is ~45MB!
- Fixed menu FPS calculation to allow for FPS values lower than 11 to be displayed... though we hope you won't need to experience that too often!
- Added "Y" button for Chatbox to keyboard controls menu in Desktop mode
Updated over 1 year ago