VRChat 2023.4.2p2m
Android - 8 December 2023
This is a big one -- with this release, the VRChat Android app is now in BETA! Moving out of Alpha means that you no longer need VRChat Plus to access the app. In other words, it's now available for anyone with an appropriate Android phone or device!
Likewise, this update brings the mobile client up to speed with the latest release of VRChat (2023.4.2p2).
- The app has shifted to "Beta" and is now available to non-VRChat+ users! That's right! It's freeeeeeee!
- Added a loading spinner when the app first opens.
- Added a loading screen if you try to load into a VRChat world before the VRChat client is ready to do so.
- Added an instances tab to world pages.
- Users will now receive notifications such as friend requests, group invitations and world invitations.
- Added the ability to refresh some pages by swiping down.
- Users who don't have a VRChat account yet, or are not logged in, can now browse the home feed and view worlds.
- You can now create a VRChat account from within the VRChat Android app.
- Added a new screen for updating your terms of service and privacy policy in the app.
- You can now sign into VRChat using your Google account! Doing so will prompt you to merge an existing account if it's the first time logging in.
- VRC+ Subscriptions and Gifts and now be purchased using your mobile device, in the app!
- Fixed issue where users could not log in despite entering correct credentials.
- Group Instances, Friends and Recent titles and white spaces are now removed if there is nothing to display.
- Fixed an issue where the app could rotate when it shouldn't be shortly after starting.
- Fixed a bug on Android 14 where entering the VRChat client would result in a white bar where your nav bar used to be.
- Fixed an issue where users who hadn't accepted an updated TOS on another platform weren't able to enter worlds.
- Made changes to the underlying microphone system. This should improve outgoing voice quality, especially during low-framerate situations. As a side effect, Acoustic Noise Cancellation has been temporarily disabled on devices that previously supported it.
- Fixed an issue where using a portal while prone could break the jump button UI.
Updated over 1 year ago