
VRChat 2024.3.3 (OPEN BETA)

Open Beta - September 17 - Build 1511

New Features

Chatbox 2.0

The Chatbox has received a handful of frequently-requested updates! Some of these will be reflected in the changes/fixes section below, however we felt it was worth it to callout some specific changes here:

  • Chatboxes are now visible to everyone by default.
  • You are now able to hide individual users' chatboxes in a similar way that you'd mute their voice.
  • Chatbox messages will be sent live to other players as you're writing the message -- but you can also turn this off if you'd prefer the old way.
  • If you have a player highlighted/selected, their message won't dissappear until you deselect them.
  • A new chatbox button is available next to the PTT mic button on the mobile UI, to make chatting easier on mobile.
  • Chatbox visibility now respects Earmuffs and world zones.
    • This means that chatboxes will fade out past your set earmuffs range.
    • To clarify: when we say "world zones," we mean worlds that use Udon to modify other player's voice volumes. So players muted by worlds will also have their chatbox disabled.
  • A basic profanity filter is now enabled by default on chatboxes.
    • You can turn the filter off in the settings.
  • The keyboard input popup can now be minimized to a smaller, simplified view, hiding most of the keys and buttons.
    • This will be the default on mobile, desktop, and Pico. The full view will be default in PCVR.
    • ...there are a bunch more details to share here (check 'em out in the full notes below).

Camera Updates

There have been a lot of requests to improve the camera... again! So we did!

  • A Focus Overlay has been added!
    • The focus menu now has a toggle to enable an overlay to help vizualize the camera's focus.
  • Portrait Orientation!
    • It's sideways now.
    • This mode is especially useful with Camera Flight!
    • On Desktop, a new button has been added to switch between landscape and portrait modes.
    • In other news, if you hear screaming in the distance, it's the handful of millennial VRChat staff members crying out that the war against people recording videos in portrait mode has been lost. Send your sympathies, please.
  • Desktop Stream Mode
    • Stream mode is now supported on Desktop via Spout, a protocol for sharing real-time video.
    • While the camera is in Stream Mode, applications that can receive Spout streams will be able to receive the camera view.

Fixes & Changes

  • Improved reliability of blocking other users, as well as being invisible to each other (regardless of who blocked who).
  • Improved handling of PhysBones to reduce jittering while moving.
    • This change primarily affects PhysBones using the Advanced method with Momentum. The should solve most (but not all) jittering issues when moving normally, or when in a vehicle/station.
  • Automatically upgrade Anisotropic Filtering and texture filtering settings on Quest and Mobile.
    • Anisotropic Filtering and Trilinear Filtering improve the quality of visible textures by increasing the detail seen at sharp angles and preventing abrupt obvious transitions between mipmaps on large flat surfaces, respectively.
    • Previous default settings leave everything looking blurry and chopped on Quest, not matching the Desktop upload expectations (where texture filtering quality is always maxed out by default).
    • Avatars (where large flat planes are rare) upgraded to 4x AF for _MainTex, 2x AF for everything else, and kept Bilinear.
    • Worlds (where trilinear matters) are upgraded to 2x AF for _MainTex, 1x AF for everything else, and switched to Trilinear (but only for VR).
    • World quality is always brought up to a baseline if below, but left alone otherwise. Avatars are always forced to the baseline.
    • The exception is special cases like Point sampling, where we'll always leave things alone.
    • These defaults were determined by careful performance testing, and were chosen to be the best tradeoff between performance and quality. We hope this will close the gap to PC quality by at least a bit!
  • Chatbox centric-changes, as mentioned above! Some of these may be duplicated from the Feature section.
    • Chatboxes are now visible to everyone by default. They were previously set to "Friends" by default, meaning you would have to toggle them on for all users. You no longer have to do this, unless you manually change it.
    • You are now able to mute/unmute individual users' chatboxes in a similar way that you'd mute their voice.
    • Chatbox messages can be sent to other players as you're writing the message -- but you can also turn this off if you'd prefer the old way.
      • This is enabled by default. There is now an "Auto Send Messages" setting, which can be toggled on/off.
    • If you have a player highlighted/selected, their message won't disappear until you deselect them.
    • A new chatbox button is available next to the PTT mic button on the mobile UI, to make chatting easier on mobile.
    • Chatbox visibility now respects Earmuffs and world zones.
      • This means that chatboxes will fade out past your set Earmuffs range. The range and how much they fade is determined by your Earmuff settings and how much you are fading out voice volume.
      • If you can't hear them (with regards to world zones) you should now no longer see their chatbox.
    • A basic profanity filter is now enabled by default on chatboxes.
      • You can disable this under the Comfort and Safety settings menu.
    • The keyboard input popup can now be minimized to a smaller, simplified view, hiding most of the keys and buttons.
      • The arrow button in the upper left of the top bar toggles the keyboard between the full and minimized views.
      • When in minimized view, a new "submit" button appears to the right of the input field.
      • This will be the default on mobile, desktop, and Pico. The full view will be default in VR.
      • The "submit/send" key on mobile keyboards can be (correctly) used to submit input.
      • The keyboard popup will now open in portrait mode on mobile and not force the orientation to landscape. This will allow chatbox messaging and world input in portrait orientation.
  • The Quick Menu should no longer flash when you deselect a user.
  • Hey, camera changes -- as is the case with the Chatbox changes, you may see some information duplicated here from the New Features section.
    • The focus menu now has a toggle to enable an overlay that helps visualize the camera's focus.
    • Portrait orientation has been added!
      • Camera UI buttons are adjusted to always be upright as the camera switches orientation.
      • On Desktop, a new button has been added to switch between modes.
    • Desktop stream mode!
      • Stream mode is now supported on Desktop via Spout, an application for sharing real-time video.
      • While the camera is in Stream Mode on PC, applications that can receive Spout streams will be able to receive the camera view.
      • For example, OBS supports this via a Spout plugin: Install the plugin, Open OBS, Create a new Spout2 Capture source, and you should be able see the VRC camera while in Stream Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the network to appear slightly clogged to Udon, even when idle.
  • The volume slider that is present when you are adjusting another users's volume via the Quick Menu should now respect slider-snapping rules.
    • Additionally, the slider should no longer get stuck at 5%.
  • The Personal Mirror in "Immersive Mode" now respects the "Pickup Haptics" setting.
  • The UI displayed when users do not have enough credits to purchase a given item has been updated with a new design.
  • Fixed an issue causing the top-left section of the Main Menu to break when a certain number of buttons was visible.
  • Fixed a case where toggled constraints could misbehave when three or more constraints are used on the same game object at once.
  • The "Blocked" social section no longer show how many players you have blocked.
  • Fixed nameplates not showing when the Quick Menu was opened if "Show Additional Info on Nameplates" was disabled.
  • Safety and security improvements.

Known Issues

  • While using Spout with desktop streaming mode the camera doesn't quite behave the way we want it to yet. For example, the camera will always be visible in front of your face, and closing the viewfinder will stop the stream. This isn't ideal and will change!