VRChat 2024.4.2
December 5, 2024 - Build 1552
Prints are a unique way to share memories with other users in-game. In short: you can now Print photos directly from the camera in app, handing them to others, or just... flinging them across the room. Your choice.
While only VRC+ users can create Prints, those without VRC+ can still grab them and add them to their Gallery. Oh, by the way -- we updated the Gallery!
You can make a new Print by selecting the right "mode" on the camera, or finding the button in the VRChat+ menu.
For more information on this feature, check out the latest Developer Update blog post, found here.
Gift Drops
Gift Drops are a new feature that allows you to drop a gift bundle in an instance you’re in. What’s in the gift bundle? VRC+ subscriptions, of course! The process is simple: choose the number of subscriptions you want to be distributed into the instance you’re in, then pick if you’d prefer them to be focused around a specific present you drop on the ground, or if you’d like them to be randomly assigned to anyone in the instance you’re in.
If you purchase more subscriptions than people in the instance, those additional subs will stack onto users, gifting them additional months (depending on how many subscriptions there are to go around).
You’ll be told via notification who you tossed a present at, too. Oh, and you’ll receive an icon over your head that lets everyone know you’re the person they should thank.
- Oh – and a little note here – if you gift someone VRChat+, you’ll notice a little badge on your bio. I hear that it might change the more gift subs you hand out… but you’ll have to see for yourself.
Age Verification
Yup – we’re starting to test Age Verification! While this feature isn’t quite out for everyone just yet, you might start to see folks with Age Verification badges, or instances that can only be entered if you’ve age verified.
As it’s in a testing phase, things could change pretty rapidly – but the TL;DR is that Age Verification is a system that lets folks verify their age. When you verify your age, you can choose to display a badge on your profile showing that you’ve done so. If you’re over 18, you can choose to display either a generic age verification badge or one showing that you’re 18 or older.
Displaying these badges is totally optional. Additionally, if you verify your age and are over 18, you can gain access to age-verified Group instances.
For more information on this system, check out the Developer Update, as well as the FAQ on our forum, which is being updated as folks reach out to us with their questions.
Face Tracking on Mobile
"Selfie Expression" is now available on Android Mobile. You can now use your selfie camera to get head, eye and face tracking on your avatar. Now anyone can have a VTuber-like experience!
Our existing SDK mapping for lipsync visemes and eyelook and eyelids are used, so this will work on most avatars!
Selfie Expression can be found in the Tracking & IK section of the settings main menu. It comes with an Auto Adjust Quality toggle, and an associated Quality setting. We expect the camera tracking to work well on newer devices from the last 3 or 4 generations (so around Pixel 6 equivalent and later).
Older devices will auto-adjust the quality all the way down to "off" however you can disable the auto adjust and force it back on
As a note, camera image processing is all done on-device and nobody will see your real face.
Changes & Fixes
- Mipmap streaming has been enabled.
- This will dynamically load lower-resolution textures for Avatars and Worlds into VRAM as needed, meaning much more can be loaded before you start running into issues (stuttering, avatars failing to load, and hard crashes).
- On Android and Quest, this budget is dynamically updated periodically based on your device's available shared memory, which should considerably reduce crashes and 'kicked to home' events.
- On PC, the budget is set once on load based on your GPU's available VRAM, with a little wiggle room left for the OS.
- On Avatars, "Mipmap Streaming Priority" is always treated as 0 (the value you set in the SDK is ignored). Whereas for Worlds, texture priority is left alone.
- Video players no longer play untrusted URLs in public instances, unless the domain is allowlisted by the world's creator.
- This means that world creators now have the ability to whitelist certain URLs for public instances of their world. This can be done via the "Video Player Allowed Domains" list on the VRChat website.
- As a note, private instances do not have this limitation and will work as they always have. Sites from our "trusted" URL selection will also still work in publics.
- Standalone Quest users will now use the same hand tracking system that was previously intoduced for PC users.
- This includes the Action Menu now being available for Questies!
- DPID has now been re-enabled, following a change to avoid locking up the client when opening an image-heavy tab.
- DPID has been reworked to have much sharper visuals when operating on
textures. - Stickers, Nameplates, User Icons and others will now be much more crisp when using transparency.
- DPID has been reworked to have much sharper visuals when operating on
- Desktop mode now features a resolutions dropdown and fullscreen toggle in the graphic settings.
- Fixed object highlight outline showing across the eye-border in certain VR headsets.
- Made improvements to world loading times on PC, especially for very complex worlds.
- Enabled the system keyboard for input on Pico devices to allow for multi language input.
- Minor improvements to Camera Indicator movement for remote players.
- Framerate has been capped on loading and login screens.
- When someone else changes avatars, they should no longer appear stuck in a standing pose until their new avatar finishes loading.
- If you are on the blue "Join Me" status in a Group instance where you don't have invite permissions, you will now be notified if someone else tries to "Request Invite" on you.
- Fixed issue caused by logging in and canceling the process, which then resulted in the AM exhibiting issues placing stickers.
- Fixed invite request replies not sending if the user closes their menu too quickly after hitting any of the response buttons.
- Various in-app reporting fixes and improvements.
- Additionally, improved sticker reporting by auto-selecting the right checkboxes.
- Fixed issue that prevented stickers from being placed on some Unity Terrain surfaces.
- This only affected Terrain with Instancing enabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused status messages to not be localized.
- Fixed an issue which allowed stickers to show up on the login screen after logging out.
- Fixed an issue where the population text on instance cells would wrap unexpectedly after the user count was over two digits long.
- "No Limit" from the "Avatar Max. Download/Uncompressed Size" settings has been renamed to "0 MB", to be more consistent with its actual function.
- Contact receivers marked as local-only no longer count towards an avatar's performance rank.
- Fixed Steam login sometimes showing "invalid ticket" error.
- Fixed Spout camera not correctly disabling itself when switching account.
- When grasping objects on a flatscreen device (desktop, mobile) the position of the avatar's hand should be consistent for avatars of different scales.
- Fixed the tooltip of the sticker share button.
- Fixed tooltips of avatar favourite category buttons.
- When "Freeze To World" is enabled on a VRChat constraint, it now freezes the target transform at the end of the frame instead of at the start. This should reduce cases where frozen transforms mismatch in mirror reflections.
- Fixed more cases of jittering with specific configurations of VRChat constraints.
- Fixed some issues around rejoining an instance, especially in quick succession to other users.
Removed herobrine.Fixed an issue where you could sometimes not see specific users in an instance. Also known as the "gaslighting bug".- Fixed an issue that could cause home world instance type settings to not apply correctly.
- Removed an incorrect date from the tooltips when viewing other users' badge.
- Further improved VRChat shutdown speed.
Mobile (Android)
Avatar Picker
The Avatar Picker is now available to new users! This onboarding UI will guide users to choose an avatar before entering a world.
Users who meet the following criteria will see the avatar picker when they join a world:
- Never visited a world on their device before.
- Still have the default VRChat Robot avatar.
Changes & Fixes
- Updated the notification icon.
- Mobile user touch selection fixed.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Social tab sort options to be visible briefly before showing the message "no results".
- Mobile: Updated the notification icon.
Updated 3 months ago