VRChat 2021.3.2p1
Release - 12 August 2021 - Build 1123
- Fixed an issue with PostProcessLayers which would affect Post Processing settings not appearing on user cameras
- Fixes to constraints in the SDK to make their behavior match in-app
- Made adjustments that will catch and skip bad draw calls that can result in crashes during certain situations
- Fixed MSAA being disabled on Quest 1
- Fixed issues with TextMeshPro shaders on outdated Quest content by automatically replacing them
- Added TMPro shaders to the always include shaders list
- Added legacy particle shaders to the always include shaders list which should help fix cases where the shaders turned opaque
Udon & SDK
- Changes to recompile all Program Sources when opening project to resolve issue where programs would appear to be empty in the inspector, especially on Prefabs.
- Disabled function that Clears the log after Udon import - this was also clearing on entering PlayMode, hiding logs that happened during Start.
- Fixed issue where SerializedAssets would be removed from UdonBehaviours in the Editor
- Fixed issue where UdonBehaviours on Instantiated objects would not be registered for events
- Reduced VRC Control Panel Draw calls for better performance when visible
- Fixed AnimatorControllers which were being hidden in the Inspector
- Added ColorBlock.defaultColorBlack back to Whitelist
Updated over 1 year ago