
VRChat 2025.1.3

March 26 - Build 1606 - Release


Camera Drone

Introducing the Camera Drone! This is a new feature for VRC+ subscribers.

The Camera Drone is a fully-functional drone that you can fly within VRChat. You can use it as an additional recording tool, or you can simply fly around with all of your friends!

Not an expert at flying? That's okay! The Camera Drone features a handful of control and flight settings that can change the way it behaves, meaning that no matter your experience with flying (in VRChat or otherwise), you should be able to get the hang of it!

You can find the Camera Drone in the Quick Menu's camera tab.

Want to read more about Camera Drone? We suggest the Wiki page! Also, if you're trying to use a Radio-style controller, check out our Drone Legacy Input docs page.

Camera Dolly

The Camera Dolly is a new VRC+ exclusive feature for creators who want a little more oomph in their camera.

In short, it allows you to set a pre-defined path for the camera. Think of it like an in-client animation system for the camera, giving VRChat videographers a ton of extra power to do... well, whatever you can dream up!

In short, it adds:

  • Path Management: Additionally, paths allow you to play multiple animations in sequence. New camera controls have been added that enable more fine-tuned camera usage. Camera parameters the dolly can animate currently include:
    • Position
    • Rotation
    • Zoom
    • Focal distance and aperture
    • Look-at-me offsets (these are new!)
    • Green screen color (this is new too!)
  • We've included a number of other configuration options to give you even more control over the camera's movement and behavior. How fast does it move? How does it transition between states? Does it loop? You can do a lot here.
  • While using the Camera Dolly, you can record video without relying on an external capture program, like OBS.
  • You can import and export paths -- meaning you can set them up and then come back to them later.
  • ...and it all works with OSC.

For more details, we'd strongly suggest reading the Wiki page! Prefer to see it in action? Check out this video we recorded for the open beta, or visit our demo world.

Selfie Expression

Seflie Expression enables you to use your webcam to add tracking to your desktop avatar! As a note, this feature is in Early Access for VRC+ subscribers, although it's likely it will eventually become a general-access feature.

Yes, that's right -- this feature allows desktop users to track their facial expressions, head and eye movement, and even their hands.

This system uses built-in visemes and your webcam -- meaning that it should work for most avatars with no additional effort required!

Selfie Expression adds an entirely new level of interaction for desktop users. Wave to your friends! Smile! Give them a high-five! Pat them on the head! You can do it all, baby.

Because Selfie Expression requires use of your webcam (and because everyone has a different environement/system) there are new options related to this feature in Settings, under Tracking & IK. Likewise, because it requires the use of your webcam, you have to enable it here before it will work.

All webcam data is processed locally -- the image is never sent to us or other users. This does, however, mean it can be a little heavy on some systems. Beware!

(Note: if you notice your avatar's eyes aren't tracking, it's likely you haven't set up eyelook in the SDK! Go fix it!)

New Badges for VRC+ Subscribers!

VRC+ Subscribers now get a special badge depending on how long they've been subscribed to VRC+. Subscribe for longer, get a fancier badge. Neat! Our Neat and Cool Wiki team has documented all of them and what they look like here.

While this isn't something that's come in this patch (we actually rolled it out last week!) we did want to point it out to you.

Changes & Fixes

  • The Safety Settings Menu has been completely redesigned.
    • All of the old Safety Settings can now be found alongside the regular Settings, instead of in their own menu.
    • This allows us to add more options for users, giving them more customization over their experience.
  • We've updated the instance creation flow.
    • Instance creators can now choose to enable or disable a bunch of features.
      • This includes Emoji, Stickers, Sharing Pedestals, Prints, and Drones.
      • These can be adjusted on-the-fly after the instance has been created.
      • If they are disabled while content is in the world, that content will be removed.
        • Ex: If there are Prints or Stickers in the world and you disable them, they will all be removed from the world.
    • You can do this via the client. World authors can also choose the defaults for their world from the website.
    • Public instances not owned by any group will always use the defaults chosen by the world author.
  • Thai language support has been added!
  • Reduced player voice latency.
    • By up to 250ms, on the receiver's side.
    • Yes, really.
  • The camera indicator (the lil' floaty lens you see for remote users) has been completely refactored!
    • Basic functionality should be about the same, but much more stable:
      • Improved late joiner syncing of camera position.
      • Fixed indicator jittering for VR users while they are turning.
      • Improved positional snapping, e.g. when you change lens space. No more lenses awkwardly resetting across the map.
    • When using the Dolly's "multi-cam streaming" mode, all active cameras will have a remote indicator (up to 4).
    • New visual effects!
      • The indicator now flashes white in addition to the shutter sound to indicate a picture has been taken.
      • When using the "Timed Photo" functionality, remote users will now see a ring around the indicator counting down visually in addition to the bloop noises.
    • Fixed an intermittent spatialization issue with the shutter and timer bloop noises.
  • Added a new "Audio from Camera" option to the Stream camera, the Drone, and during Spout streaming!
    • It will be available in all scenarios where Spout streaming works too.
    • As before, this will make all audio sound like it is coming from the position and rotation of your camera.
    • For technical reasons, we cannot have an Audio Listener attached to your camera and your head simultaneously.
    • The value is saved for Stream and Drone mode independently, but resets across client restarts.
  • Hover states over the entire UI have been improved, making them more consistent across platforms.
  • User Details Status, Trust Rank, and Age Verification are now inside a field that can be scrolled through, giving this section a little more room. This is useful for languages that needed the space.
  • Fixed being able to sit in stations on distance or personal space hidden avatars.
    • If you're in a station on an avatar, you will now be removed from the station if that avatar becomes hidden by distance.
  • Improved the visual quality of the loading screen.
    • Things were blurry. We called the optometrist.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause others to hear a pop if you muted yourself while you were still transmitting audio.
  • In some rare cases, the transparent microphone icon would pop up on the loading screen. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed alignment issues in the Instance Creation menu.
  • PhysBone Tweaks!
    • PhysBones now run in order of dependency. This means you can put a VRCPhysBone/VRCPhysBoneCollider on an object under another PhysBone component, and they will run in the proper order. The max dependency depth is set to 8 levels deep.
    • Fixed issues related to when PhysBone gravity falloff is calculated. Now it should no longer mater what position the player is in when switching to a new avatar, the gravity falloff will be calculated the same each time.
    • Minor optimizations for PhysBones.
  • Notification events on top of the Quick Menu should now always display the proper image.
  • Fixed Print images that are saved locally during creation.
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to disconnects if spawning more than 50 prints in one instance.
    • But, like, stop.
  • Fixed inconsistent ability to interact with the "Show badge on profile" and "Hide badge" options.
  • Improved messaging if an error occurs while attempting to buy VRC+ on Steam.
  • Fixed a bug that could disable Prints for the remainder of a session if an error occured while printing.
  • Fixed spacing issues with the Main Menu affecting localization.
  • InputFields (TMPro/Built-In/VRCUrl) now respect the Interactable and enabled states and will not open the VRChat keyboard popup if disabled.
  • Changed the VRC+ Quick Menu page layout to fit 5 buttons per row.
    • Added Camera Dolly, Drone and Selfie Expression buttons to fill up the newfound space.
  • Player nameplate voice indicator FX now takes Udon-configured voice distance into account instead of a hard-coded distance limit.
    • This means that in worlds with a radio system you should see nameplates light up with voice as long as you can hear someone, even if they are across the map.
  • Reduced compression artifacts on several UI elements on PC.
  • Fixed a minor audio glitch on Camera UI noises.
  • "Shared by" text on sharing pedestals no longer renders over world geometry.
  • Minor security change related to Texture2D.blackTexture and similar internal textures.
    • Udon access to those will now be redirected to equivalent copies that reset on world change.


  • Gift Drops can now be purchased on mobile! 🎉
  • Push notifications now have a sound.
  • Fixed the initial onboarding screen from being displayed to new users.
  • Fixed an issue preventing worlds from being automatically joined if a user wasn't logged in.
  • Focus view on mobile will now start and end on the user camera position properly.
  • Fixed the tutorial beginning when it shouldn't.
  • Mobile Tutorials now react to phone notches.
  • The "18+ Verified" badge and the new trust shield icon with the Age Verified checkmark have been added to user profiles on the Android app
  • Very long world titles will now correctly show ellipses.
    • No Bee Movie scripts, please.
  • Fixed an issue causing the loading screen to become unresponsive when accepting a world invite from a push notification.
  • The Print Camera should no longer lock your movement/ability to look around.