VRChat 2024.3.3p1
Live - October 16 - Build 1519
Fixes & Changes
- Added "Copy" and "Paste" buttons to the minimized keyboard view.
- Fixed Quest requiring you to log back in after taking the headset off and leaving it until WiFi disconnects.
- Share pedestals that were set to stay until you leave the instance will now retain that setting after being moved.
- The "Custom Emoji" Action Menu and wing no longer load empty images when emojis are updated through the website or from a sharing pedestal.
- The login page UI collider no longer appears to float off of the panel.
- Fixed an issue where the UI wouldn't appear for some Quest users.
- A workaround version of this was deployed last Sunday, now it's a proper fix and on all platforms.
- The "No Limit" option from the "Avatar Max. Download/Uncompressed Size" settings has been renamed to "0 MB", to be more consistent with its actual function.
- There is no way to fully disable this limit, other than by overriding it with the "Show Avatar" option per-user. This behavior has not changed, but it is now displayed correctly in the menu.
- Fixed Virtual Desktop SteamVR bindings interfering with VRChat's built-in hand tracking input.
- Network stability improvements.
- Android Mobile: Native app stability improvements.
Updated 5 months ago