This component is deprecated. It is not available in the latest VRChat SDK, and is either non-functional, or will no longer receive updates. It may be removed at a later date.
We plan on implementing OSC support to Udon in SDK3 at a future date.
Control your world with any software compatible with OpenSoundControl.
Fires when an OSC message is received at a specific address.

OSC Port
VRChat listens for OSC messages on port 9000.
Component Field Name | Purpose |
Address | Specifies the address to listen on. Addresses are in the format "/a/b/cde". Read more about OSC addressing here. |
On Button On | The Trigger and Action/RPC to send when the button is pressed down. |
On Button Off | The Trigger and Action/RPC to send when the button is released. |
Updated about 1 year ago